Thursday, June 26, 2014

Scotland: Days 1 and 2

When we arrived in Edinburgh, the city became magical.  Even though it is designed to bring in the tourism, there is something about this city that brings someone into another world.  Getting off of the bus our group thought it would be easy to walk to our hostel from the bus station with very little knowledge of the area, were we wrong.  Lets just say we took the long way and eventually made it, just slightly broken.  The first hostel had a tremendous view of Edinburgh Castle and was at the beginning of the Royal Mile.  We did not have much time that night to do anything more than find something to eat and explore a little, but from what we saw it was going to be great.  A friend back home(Major kudos to the fabulous Stormie Lew) recommended we try this baked potato shop right in the heart of the city. Imagine a frozen yogurt place, but for potatoes.  Even more amazing was the walk through what is considered Old Town.  With churches, street vendors, street performers, and some of the most beautiful architecture we have ever seen, Edinburgh is one of the prettiest cities.  The Royal Mile has everything you need, but at a price.  There is food and bars on every corner for sure, but it is much more expensive than if you walked down to Grass Market or Cow Gate.  We pretty much walked the entirety of the mile when we visited Edinburgh and Hollyrood Castles.  Edinburgh Castle has been inhabited since the 1st or 2nd centuries, with a fortification built on it since the Roman Empire controlled the British Isles.  It is a stunning fixture on the landscape of the city.  From almost every point you can see the fortification sticking out over the edge of the cliff, almost as if it was still looking out over the city.  Learning it was not where any royalty stayed, we decided to walk the mile and quarter to Holyrood just to check it out.  Holyrood Castle is where the Royal Family stays when they are visiting Edinburgh.  It is expensive to tour the castle, something like 22 pounds each, so we walked outside of it and took some pictures and went on our way.  Nice castle, but we liked the pubs and shops we stopped at along the way and on the way back much more than we liked the castle itself.

The View from our first hostel.

Our first of many walks down The Royal Mile.

The Baked Potato Shop, thanks Stormie!

One of our many stops along the way

Pictures of Edinburgh Castle

 It was a couple great days exploring, but the next two days became some of the most challenging and exciting days on our trip, crewing for the West Highland Way Race.


  1. Whit, you have a way with words! You described the city perfectly... It truly is a special place. Browsing through your photos takes me right back. There's something about that castle on the hill that makes it a little more magical, just like you said.

    I am SO glad you enjoyed the potato shop!! It may be 100+ back here in California, but I am suddenly in the mood for a piping hot baked potato smothered in melty cheese...

    Funny story, I had the exact same experience when I arrived in Edinburgh! The city must look smaller on a map. It's amazing how heavy a backpack can get in just a few minutes ;) It looks like the weather was fantastic, though!

    Thank you so much for sharing your adventures.. I needed a mini-escape on this monotonous Thursday. Great photos, excellent commentary... I must say, it looks like you were cut out to be a travel blogger ;) Just sayin'!

  2. Thanks for the comments Stormie! I will say I don't deserve all the credit, Matt does a lot too! This place is great, it has such a great feel to it, even with the massive amount of tourists. Thanks a bunch for your recommendations on things to see, I have referred to your email often! :)
